GlampLyfe’s 5 Favorite Campfire Recipes
- Johnny Apple Seed Oatmeal is a vegan recipe from Fresh Off the Grid: “Nothing else is as economical to buy, easy to make, or as fast to prepare. When times are tough or you’re just in a rush, it’s oatmeal that comes to the rescue.”
- Campfire Fried Eggs with Potato and Hash is a Martha Stewart recipe: “Cook the quintessential outdoorsy breakfast: eggs and potato hash fried in bacon drippings.”
- Sweet and Spicy Grilled Summer Squash from Bon Appetite: “The crosshatch pattern isn’t just for show (even though it does look cool)! It allows for the salt to fully penetrate the squash and also draws out some of the excess water so that the sweet, tangy glaze can be fully absorbed.”
- Camping Mac and Cheese from Lauren’s Latest: “The best part of this recipe is the edges and the tops got a thin layer of crispy cheese that added a whole new level of deliciousness. I’m kind of in love with crispy cheese.”
- No Bake Bourbon Peach Cobbler from Fresh off the Grid: “Tired of s’mores for dessert? This easy peach cobbler is a simple camping dessert alternative!”